New Smash Bros Lawl Origin Wiki
Genesis Cannon


The John Show


The John Show: Dark Skapokon Rises I (Part 2)

Appears in

Smash Bros. Lawl Nova

Genesis Cannon is an item in Lawl Nova. It acts as a heavy item that shoots characters that are not present in the match. The damage and distance of the cameos vary depending on the weight. Heavyweights deal more damage but don't go far as lightweights. These cameos will disappear once they touch the ground, and you can only shoot 5 before the cannon becomes useless.

Effect Origin[]

The Genesis Cannon is present in the infamous "Dark Skapokon Rises" arc from The John Show, making its debut in Episode 1 Part 2. The Genesis Cannon is a weapon created by Dr. Fessenden which is a cannon that creates portals to other dimensions (franchises that have nothing to do with The John Show), with Darkpokon's plan consisting on using the cannon to take over the world with an army of villains from different universes.
